
you looking for low-priced Smith SC935 Gas Axe Straight 36" Cutting Torch 75 Degree Head?

Discount Smith SC935 Gas Axe Straight 36" Cutting Torch 75 Degree Head Web Store

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Smith SC935 Gas Axe Straight 36" Cutting Torch 75 Degree Head Overview

Smith Equipment - Gas Axe Extra Heavy Duty Straight Hand Cutting Torch Model: SC935 Length: 36" Head Angle: 75 degrees Gas Axe extra heavy duty SC929 cuts up to 24 inch steel.  Hand cutting torches are built for the toughest jobs.  They feature a reversible cutting lever and ease-on oxygen for smooth starts.  The torch is also designed with a heavy wall manganese bronze head for durability and resistnace to heat warping.  Ideal for foundry, scrap and demolition operations. Features:3 tube "in-tip" mix design keeps gases separated until reaching the tipReversible lever, top or bottom mountingExceptional ease-on featureUses long lasting "soft Seat" Graf-Tite cutting tipsReplaceable hose connections and sintered filtersWide array of cutting, gouging and specialty tips availableVersatile - for use with acetylene, propane, propylene and many other gasesSuperior "Ease-On" cutting jet action reduces tip-clogging and slag blow-back in piercing operation

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